Privacy Is At The Heart Of Zoroko

Your Life, Your Data, You Own It!

No one should access any data about you without your permission.

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Profile Privacy

  • You control who sees which detail in your profile. We are a big believer of giving control.
  • You have fine grained control over every little detail of your profile.
  • You can choose who sees what. For every element in the profile, you decide its visibility – all your Zoroko contacts, or just some of them; either everyone out there or nobody but you!
  • Use the Privacy/Visibility setting for each element of the profile to control it, and we will enforce the rules you create.

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Cards Privacy

  • It is your card; you decide who sees it. No one can see your Zoroko business card if you have not shared it with them.



Share Privately

  • Your card, your business who you share it with. No one else needs to know about it. Simple.
  • You decide if you trust the person you share your card with. If you trust them, you allow them to forward your card to others, else simply revoke the permission before you share the card. You are in control.
  • When someone forwards your card to a third person, your Zoroko app will let you know about it.



Card Map™

  • You should know who has your Zoroko digital business card. You can track it yourself. Use the Card Map™ feature.

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  • It is your life, organize it your way. Create or rename pockets and organize the cards you receive in pockets that fits your lifestyle, no one will ever know which pocket their cards lands in

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Yank & Stale

  • Breakups happen! You no longer want someone to have your card, it is your call. Yank your card from them any time.
  • Disinterested…that happens too! You don’t want to be rude, but still do not want them to know your new address or the new phone number, simply make that person’s version of your card go stale, they will not receive any updates to your card anymore or simply swap the previous card with a new one.
  • By default, everyone you share your card with will always have the most recent version of that card, automatically. But you have the power to override that.
  • Your relationships, you decide what to do with them.

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